Martin Short Never Remarried Because He Still Talks to His Late Wife

Martin Short, the renowned comedian and actor, lost his wife Nancy Dolman toovarian cancer in2010. Despite the loss, hehas continued tokeep her memory alive and has remained focused onbeing the best father totheir three adopted children. Invarious interviews, hehas shared the reasons why hehas not pursued another relationship and how hekeeps his late wifes memory

Martin Short, the renowned comedian and actor, lost his wife Nancy Dolman to ovarian cancer in 2010. Despite the loss, he has continued to keep her memory alive and has remained focused on being the best father to their three adopted children. In various interviews, he has shared the reasons why he has not pursued another relationship and how he keeps his late wife’s memory alive.

They had a beautiful family.

Mirek Towski / DMI via AP / ASSOCIATED PRESS / East News

Martin Short and Nancy Dolman first crossed paths in 1972 during the Canadian run of Godspell. They tied the knot in 1980 and remained happily married until Nancy’s passing in 2010.

Following their marriage, Nancy decided to leave the world of show business and dedicated herself to being a homemaker and a devoted mother to their three adopted children: Katherine Elizabeth, Oliver Patrick, and Henry Hayter. Despite a thriving career, Nancy opted to take a hiatus from acting to focus on nurturing their children.

How Martin coped with grief.

Losing a spouse is a devastating experience, and it can be difficult to move on. In an interview with Vanity Fair, Martin Short described his wife’s death as “awful” and admitted that in the two years since her passing, he has spent an inordinate amount of time on the road, taking sundry TV jobs and touring a one-man show. Despite the loss, Martin Short has remained positive and has continued to inspire others with his experience of grief and loss.

How Martin keeps Nancy’s memory alive.

Short has continued to keep Nancy’s memory alive and has remained focused on being the best father to their three children.

In an interview, he said, “Our marriage was a triumph. So it’s tough. She died in 2010, but I still communicate with her all the time. It’s ’Hey Nan,’ you know? How would she react to this decision or that, especially regarding our three kids. I believe that when people die, they zoom into the people that love them. The idea that it just ends, and don’t speak of them—that’s me, she’s still here.

He said that he often talks to her internally and can hear her agreeing or disagreeing with him. “I’ll call out, ‘Hey, Nan’! Forming the words just feels good in the throat,” Short wrote in his book.

“These, our talks, go on internally, not out loud. ... But we do talk, Nancy and I, and I can totally hear where she agrees with me and where she disagrees,” he said.

Short also shared that Nancy’s death has emboldened him to take more risks in his life.

“With real tragedy, you become a little more daring. It’s the yin to the yang: the positive part of life’s dark side,” he said.

His love for his late wife is evident in his words, and it is clear that she continues to be a source of strength and inspiration for him.

As we delve deeper into the fascinating world of celebrities who’ve chosen to honor their late spouses by remaining single, Martin Short’s touching story serves as just the tip of the iceberg. Stay tuned for our upcoming article, where we’ll explore the heartfelt and inspiring tales of remarkable celebrities who found their own unique ways to keep the flame of love alive even after loss.

