Samantha Agate
Samantha Agate is the Talent Guru here at Talent Recap. Her work has been featured at The Blast. Samantha graduated from Hunter College in 2019 with a degree in Media Studies and a Concentration in Journalism. When she isn't binge-watching reality television shows or binge-eating fried food, she loves hanging out with her friends and family and petting puppies.
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| April 10, 2020 SIGN IN TO SAVE POST

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YouTuber Logan Paul has been quite a controversial figure in the media in recent years. However, now he is trying to help with coronavirus relief efforts by producing cotton face masks. The masks are free on his website MaverickClothing.com as a part of an attempt to rebrand his former line Maverick by Logan Paul.
Paul made his face mask announcement in a video posted on his YouTube channel. “I’m about to say something important so please pay attention,” he said before launching into his announcement. “You guys may have noticed I stopped pushing the merch Maverick,” he continued. “We have been doing a major rebranding trying to evolve the brand. It’s much cooler, it’s sleeker, it’s lowkey.” He said that the reason the new merch has yet to drop is because of coronavirus. But the Maverick team had a “brilliant idea to pivot production and make masks.”
The Free Coronavirus Masks Are Available On His New Website
“They made a sh*t load of them,” Paul said as he included footage of the factory workers producing masks in his newest video. Paul said he actually went to the factory to see them for himself. He said he approved of the designs, samples, printing, cutting and the sewing material. There are two different versions of the mask that are available with different designs on them. He showed off the two versions in an Instagram post. His cation includes “While we encourage the idea of ‘doing it different,’ this is the one time we’re urging everyone to follow the trend. Stay home & stay healthy.”
At first, he said he thought that wearing masks was “bullsh*t.” But on his podcast, Impaulsive With Logan Paul, they brought a doctor on to speak about coronavirus. Paul asked how effective the masks are because the CDC is advising all Americans to wear masks. “Are they actually doing anything?” he asked. The doctor agreed that masks are actually important to wear. “There are a lot of people working hard to make these masks and the CDC highly recommends wearing cloth face masks if you go out in public or pretty much anywhere,” he said in the video. Paul wants to make the masks to provide an extra layer of protection for people.
The thing that he is proudest of is that the masks are free and available on his website. The new website name is MaverickClothing.com and it is no longer Maverick By Logan Paul because he is not going to be the only face of the brand anymore. They’re going to sponsor athletes, celebrities, influencers and ambassadors. And since it is difficult financial times for everyone he is picking 10 people who order masks to give $1,000 to. “I know it’s not much but maybe it could help you,” Paul said as he finished up the announcement.
He Wants To Prevent People In LA From Receiving Face Mask Fines
Paul mentioned that in Los Angeles, people will be mandated to wear face masks starting next week. Under an order for Mayor Eric Garcetti, Los Angeles residents must wear a mask, bandanna or another type of covering over their noses and mouths when in grocery stores and other essential businesses. This includes both workers and customers. Paul hopes his free masks can make a difference and provide for those who have been unable to get one. If a business refuses to provide face coverings for its workers, it could be fined. San Bernardino County is also requiring its residents to wear face masks.
There Has Been A Face Mask Shortage In The US
Face masks have been just one of the many things that hospitals around the country have seen a shortage of during the coronavirus outbreak. In particular, medical workers who need N95 masks have often been reusing the ones they have for days or even weeks at a time. Recently, several face mask shipments from FEMA and a 3M factory in Singapore touched down in the United States and were distributed to hospitals around the country.
If you are in need of a cotton mask, definitely check out Paul’s masks because they are completely FREE. Do your part to protect yourself and not put others at risk while complying with state mandates.
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