French verbs: A guide to the tre conjugation

While French isnt short of verbs, among the most important ones is the verb to be or tre. So, knowing the tre conjugation is an essential step in your French learning journey. Whether you are a beginner or you want to refresh your memory, lets find out how to use and conjugate tre in French!

While French isn’t short of verbs, among the most important ones is the verb to be or être. So, knowing the être conjugation is an essential step in your French learning journey. Whether you are a beginner or you want to refresh your memory,  let’s find out how to use and conjugate être in French! 

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Use of the verb “être”

You will find and use the verb “être” in several contexts. Some of these might be familiar to an English-speaking student since they mirror those of the verb “to be”. Let’s dive into them nonetheless: 

Example: “I am a student” – Je suis étudiante.

  • Permanent or temporary characteristics:

They can be both physical or emotional:


“He is tall” – Il est grand.

“She is tired” – Elle est fatiguée.

  • Origin or provenance:

Example: “I am from Paris”- Je suis de Paris.

  • Auxiliary verb in compound constructions :

When forming compound tenses, like the past tense

Example: “I have been there” – J’ai été ici.

How to conjugate “être” in French

Présent – Present simple 

Je suisI am
Tu esYou are
Il/Elle/On estHe/She is
Nous sommesWe are
Vous êtesYou are
Ils/Elles sontThey are

Futur – Future simple

When planning, promising or dreaming of becoming something/someone, the future simple of “être” is your go-to tense.

Je seraiI will be
Tu serasYou will be
Il/Elle/On seraHe/She will be
Nous seronsWe will be
Vous serezYou will be
Ils/Elles serontThey will be

Passé simple – Past simple

Used mainly in literature but rarely in everyday spoken French, learn how to conjugate être when talking about past events.

Je fusI was
Tu fusYou were
Il/Elle/On futHe/She was
Nous fûmesWe were
Vous fûtesYou were
Ils/Elles furentThey were


Used to talk about continuing or repeated actions in the past or to describe past habits, here is how to conjugate être in French in its imparfait tense:

J’étaisI was
Tu étaisYou were
Il/Elle/On étaitHe/She was
Nous étionsWe were
Vous étiezYou were
Ils/Elles étaientThey were

Conditionnel présent – Present conditional

This tense will be handy when talking about hypothetical situations, wishes and desires.

Je seraisI would be
Tu seraisYou would be
Il/Elle/On seraitHe/She would be
Nous serionsWe would be
Vous seriezYou would be
Ils/Elles seraientThey would be

Subjonctif présent – Present subjunctive

You will learn below how to conjugate être in the present subjunctive. This mood is used to indicate uncertainty, subjectivity or unreality.

que je sois (contente)To beElle veut que je sois contente.
que tu soisTo beElle veut que tu sois content.
qu’il/elle/on soitTo beElle veut qu’il soit content.
que nous soyonsTo beElle veut que nous soyons contents.
que vous soyezTo beElle veut que vous soyez contents.
qu’ils/elles soientTo beElle veut qu’ils soient contents.

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Imparfait du subjonctif – Imperfect subjunctive

It’s used in formal French and comes from literature, history and journalism.

que je fusseTo beIl voulait que je fusse contente.
que tu fussesTo beIl voulait que tu fusses content.
qu’il/elle/on fûtTo beIl voulait qu’elle fût contente.
que nous fussionsTo beIl voulait que nous fussions contents.
que vous fussiezTo beIl voulait que vous fussiez contents.
qu‘ils/elles fussentTo beIl voulait qu’elles fussent contentes.

Passé composé – Present perfect

J’ai étéI have been
Tu as étéYou have been
Il/Elle/On a étéHe/She has been
Nous avons étéWe have been
Vous avez étéYou have been
Ils/Elles ont étéThey have been

Plus que parfait – Past perfect

To conjugate être in the past perfect, use the same structure as Passé composé.

J’avais étéI had been
Tu avais étéYou had been
Il/Elle/On avait étéHe/She had been
Nous avions étéWe had been
Vous aviez étéYou had been
Ils/Elles avaient étéThey had been

Passé antérieur

J’eus étéI would have been
Tu eus étéYou would have been
Il/Elle/On eut étéHe/She would have been
Nous eûmes étéWe would have been
Vous eûtes étéYou would have been
Ils/Elles eurent étéThey would have been

Futur antérieur –  Future perfect

This tense is present in literature.

J’aurai étéI will have been
Tu auras étéYou will have been
Il/Elle/On aura étéHe/She will have been
Nous aurons étéWe will have been
Vous aurez étéYou will have been
Ils/Elles auront étéThey will have been

Impératif – Imperative

The imperative mood is used to give an order. There is no pronoun. We conjugate to be in the present indicative.

SoyonsLet’s be
Soyez (contents)Be

All conjugations of the verb être

There are many tenses in the French language. We have explained to you here the conjugation of the verb être in the most used tenses. There are still other tenses such as the subjunctive pluperfect for grammar buffs. Otherwise, the tenses cited above should allow you to conjugate the verb to be at every tense! It’s up to you to memorize each conjugation little by little.

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Emilie Bled

Emilie is a community manager and writer specializing in the tourism, sports, and industry sectors. She lives just an hour away from Paris, where she takes full advantage of the forests for mountain biking. Passionate about climbing and outdoor sports, she travels in a van with her family across Europe. India holds a special place in her heart, having lived and worked there. After numerous experiences in digital communication, she has founded her own business. Discover more about her journey and professional expertise by checking out her services or her Linkedin profile.

