If you live in Nigeria, then you will be familiar with some of the Nigerian slangs being used here and there. These slangs are some of the things that make Nigeria interesting as a country.
Find below the top 15 slangs used in Nigeria Legit.ng compiled for you:
1. Gbera

This is one of the latest slangs in town. Gbera means move. Conductors often say it to the bus drivers while they are working. But when you are in some areas and this slang is being said with no danfo in view, you should become conscious as thieves who pick pockets use it in signaling to each other.
You may have to hold on to your bags tightly and leave that vicinity as soon as possible.
2. Twale
This slang is used when giving honor to someone. It is a way of showing respect to people in the street. Many guys who live in the streets use this slang to pay respect to those who belong to a hierarchy higher than theirs. When this slang is used, the two hands are raised above the head as a sign of total submission.
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3. Fashi or bone

When you hear a Nigerian say ‘bone’, do not think he or she is talking about the skeletal part of an animal or human being. This slang means to let go of something. This is the same as ‘fashi’. When it is being used in arguments, the speaker wants the issue or matter forgotten.
4. Ja
When Nigerians say ‘ja’, it means to escape. They use it when relaying their experiences about a situation where they had to run for their safety. This is different from having to cut a substance like the Yoruba meaning of break.
5. Akata

This is a popular slang in Nigeria as it is being used for whites.
6. Jand
When a Nigeria talks about jand, he is talking about shifting base and leaving the country. Nigerians say ‘jand’ in place of abroad.
7. Chelsea and barca
When Nigerians use this slang, they are referring to the curves of a woman. It could be misleading as people could think they are talking about football; barca means backside for most Nigerians.
8. Fall hand
Nigerians often use this slang while speaking pidgin. It means to be disappointed.
9. Gbana

Lagosians use gbana when talking about hemp. There are different slangs used when talking about such substances; some use ‘eja’ while others use weewee, and skonk.
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10. Butty
When Nigerians refer to some people as butty, they mean they are over pampered and spoilt. It is a widely used slang in Nigeria.
11. Cowbell
There is a brand of milk sold in Nigeria that is called cowbell; but when Nigerians talk about cowbell, they are referring to a woman’s bust. This is usually used when the lady’s bust is very large.
12. Guck
This slang means to fall for a lie or believe something without checking to see if it is true or not.
13. Jambito

This is a slang that is commonly used in universities in Nigeria. It is used when referring to first year undergraduates. They are easy to spot because of their mode of dressing and the lost looks they have plastered on their faces for a while.
14. Aro or yaba left

When this slang is used for a person, the person is being told to go for mental checkup as the person is suspected to be psychologically unwell.
15. Yawa

This is another popular slang used in Nigeria. This slang could mean insult or embarrassment or trouble depending on the context in which it is being used.
Source: Legit.ng