A man is not a purse or handbag that you hold on to tightly so he does not get stolen. If he does not want to stay, no matter what you do, he will not stay.
For one who wants to stay, you have to be someone he can relate with intellectually. Therefore, a woman has to keep herself intellectually fascinating for her man.
Legit.ng's Odili Esther has compiled 13 great ways through which a woman can keep her husband:
1. Make him feel secure
While men may have epic egos, they are also extremely fragile when it comes to the matters of the heart. They feel threatened easily, and go into an insecure shell. Avoid making him feel insecure in the right way and he will love you more.
2. Take the lead in bed
Do not punish your husband with sex. Satisfy him sexually as sex is so important to men. Do not be too timid to initiate sex.
3. Be honest with him
Be honest with your husband. A marriage built on the foundation 0f trust cannot fail. Your partner should be able to trust you at any point in time. Everyone wants a confidant including your man. A man will always come back to anyone there is trust, honesty, rather than deceit, lies or storytelling. Be plain, truthful and honest with your partner.
4. Motivate him in his endeavour
Bring out the best in your man and help him achieve his dreams by motivating him and complimenting his achievements.
5. Be attractive
Package yourself properly to look good and neat. The things that he got attracted to when he first met you, as much as possible continue to do them. Make him feel lucky to have you. Be a charmer and a graceful woman who is the cynosure of everyone’s attention.
6. Make him think you need him
Men are the instinctive protectors. Make him believe you are dependent on him. When he truly believes you need him, he will cling to you because it makes him feel good inside.
7. Give him his space
Men are different from women when it comes to space. Most women are fine with having people around all the time. Men on the other hand get annoyed when they do not get some time alone by themselves. Give each other space and you will see that love will blossom.
8. Be a great cook
Food truly is the best way to a man’s heart. He may say he does not care if you do not know how to cook. But try cooking him a fabulous dish and he will experience a gastronomical orgasm.
9. Flirt with him
He is your man. When he holds your hand, squeeze his for a second to register your interests. Stroke his forearms, when you sit with him, lean in towards him when you talk. Wink at him. Be playful; do not be afraid to make a mess when you play. Praise him in front of others. Awe his friends. Be comfortable around them; enjoy the moments and their company. Crack jokes with them and have intelligent conversations.
10. Learn his love language
Different men like different things, all men are not enthralled by the same stuff. Some love public display of affection and a lot of touching and body contact, another may just want to keep hearing how much he is loved and appreciated while frequent tiny gifts would always awe another. Find out what love means to your man and love him the way he wants to be loved.
11. Treat him with care
Treat him with care; respond to every word with kindness even when you disagree. When offering a criticism or correction, be gentle about it. Cut his nails and public hairs yourself. Have common courtesy. This includes listening and not interrupting him when talking, asking for help and not demanding for help. Noticing his good behaviour and complementing. Learn to say; “Excuse me”, “I’m sorry”, “Please”, “Thank you” at every appropriate juncture. Also, care and support the kids.
12. Be independent
Find a balance between being dependent and independent. Try to have some funds savings for emergencies. Have a level of financial independence without being arrogant.
13. Spend quality time together
Men love to connect with women who bring interesting things to the table. Highlight you talents and skills and keep up with your life; this boosts your confidence and make you stand taller and more elegant.
Share stories but do not run down your own family before your husband. Be creative; send the children to stay with grandma so both of you can spend some time together.
Date nights should be part of every couple’s life. A day set aside for just both of you to bond and dates each other. Most times what happens is people date to marry, but the reverse should be the case; marry to date your partner to keep the magic.
However, do not over stress yourself trying to impress your in-laws. No matter what you do, you can never satisfy them. So take care of them but never ignore your home. Do not neglect a sweet smelling home.
Source: Legit.ng