Two thirds of the British public support an annual tax of 1% on homes worth over £2 million
A Conservative MP has disclosed that “the finest minds in the Treasury” have calculated a "mansion tax" desired by Labour and the Liberal Democrats would cost owners of properties worth over £2 million on average £36,000 a year. A YouGov poll from February shows that a broad majority of the British public support the tax.
Recent YouGov research shows that two thirds (65%) of British adults support the mansion tax, while just 22% oppose the policy and 17% don’t know.
Conservative voters are the only group to have less than a majority in support of the tax, though supporters still outnumber detractors 49%-41%. During 2012, however, Conservative voters consistently supported the policy by a majority, with support ranging from 57% in January to 68% in February and 59% in October.
Some Lib Dems have argued that the use of an average figure of the cost per home owner is misleading, as properties close to the £2 million mark would pay little extra. It also has been suggested that the issue could be a “red line” for the Lib Dems in possible coalition talks with Conservatives in 2015.
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