Young people and women are most likely to think they spend too much time on their phones
This week marks Screen Free Week, and a new YouGov survey finds that approximately one in eight Britons say they are trying to cut down on their mobile phone use.
Four in ten Britons (41%) say they use their phone too much, of whom three in ten (31%) say they are currently doing something to try and use their phone less – amounting to about 13% of all Britons.
Younger Britons are the most likely to be saying they think they use their phone too much, at 63% of 18-24 year olds and 54% of 25-49 year olds. Only 17% of those aged 65 and above think they use their phone more than they should. In fact, as many as 19% of these oldest Britons believe they use their phone too little!
Women are also significantly more likely than men to think they’re spending more time glued to their phone than is right, at 46% to 36%.
Photo: Getty