Young people and men watch porn more frequently than women and older Britons, with young men particularly likely to be regular consumers
Perhaps unsurprisingly, there are considerable age and gender differences in the frequency of watching porn, with men and young people far more likely to be regular watchers and to have watched porn at all.
Three-quarters of British men (76%) say they have ever watched porn, compared to around half of women (53%). Around a third of men (36%) say they watch pornography at least once a week, including 13% who watch porn every day or most days, while just 4% of women say they watch porn at least once a week.
In fact, only 15% of women watch porn with any degree of frequency. Four in ten (38%) say they have seen it before but do not watch it, while another 40% say they have never watched porn at all.

And while younger Britons in general are more likely than older Britons to say they watch porn (48% of under-30s compared to 17% of those in their 60s and older), young women are still far less likely to watch porn than young men (35% vs 62%).
Only 35% of women under 30 say they watch porn, compared to just 2% of women aged 60 and older. The young-old divide is far less drastic among men – while 62% of men under 30 say they watch porn, this remains as high as 52% among men in their 50s. Even for men in their 60s and older, a third (34%) say they watch pornography.
Likewise, men are more likely to be frequent watchers of porn. A quarter of men under 30 (25%) watch porn every day or most days, with 13-14% of men in their 30s, 40s and 50s saying the same. A vanishingly small percentage of women of all age groups (2% or fewer) watch porn with this degree of frequency.
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