Which type of shops, run by which companies, would make up Britain’s ideal high street?
Back in June, YouGov asked Britons what types of stores they would have on their ideal high street. The most popular requests were banks and a Post Office branch, both of which 92% of Brits want to see on their local shopping stroll.
Despite this, it is those same institutions that are most rapidly disappearing from Britain’s boulevards: 711 bank branches were lost in 2017 as were 577 post offices and services (the second and fourth highest rates of all types of business respectively).
The survey also highlighted how the British public really don’t like betting shops, which almost three quarters of Brits (73%) would ban from their ideal high street.
It did not, however, ever go into detail on which specific brands people wanted each of the most popular types of high street store to be run by. Now, using newly-launched YouGov Ratings, we’ve examined which are the most popular brands in each category to help flesh out what Britain’s ideal high street looks like.
