There’s no doubt that being born into a royal family has its perks. However, with such a title comes great responsibility and some strict rules that must be followed regardless of age. We know that little royals are kids after all, but some of the guidelines they have to follow remind us of how their upbringing is worlds apart from our own childhood.
We at Bright Side find these rules to be fascinating. This is why we have collected a list of royal do’s and don’ts these children have to live by. And don’t forget to check the bonus we left for you at the very end.
1. Children are not allowed to eat processed food.
Establishing healthy eating habits from early on is crucially important, and little royals seem to follow this rule to a T. According to former royal chef Darren McGrady, some of Prince William and Prince Harry’s first meals consisted of pureed apples and pears since packaged food was off-limits. This rule is easier for them to follow considering the amount of fine-quality produce on their estates and the best chefs at their disposal.
2. They aren’t allowed to say certain common words.

The royal rules don’t just apply to what goes into the mouth, but also to what comes out of it. According to social anthropologist Kate Fox, some of our most frequently used words such as “tea,” “dad,” and “perfume” are a big no-no when it comes to any royal family member saying them. Next time you want directions to the ’’toilet’’ ask for the ’’lavatory’’ instead — if you wish to sound like a royal.
3. Young boys must wear shorts.

Every little detail of a royal’s appearance is meticulously planned and thought-through, and kids are no exception to this rule. You may have noticed that Prince George almost exclusively wears shorts and this is certainly not by coincidence or predilection. Based on a dress code that goes back centuries, little boys from English royalty and aristocracy need to stay away from trousers and pants until approximately the age of 8.
4. Girls must wear dresses.

Just like her brothers, princess Charlotte’s wardrobe is carefully calculated and nothing is left to chance or to the child’s whim. Whenever seen in public, this little royal is dressed in girly and floral dresses in keeping with a long tradition of little princesses avoiding pants.
5. They are not allowed to play Monopoly.

Monopoly is off-the-table while the family is spending quality time together at gatherings. Perhaps the children play Scrabble instead just like their parents do. It seems that the Queen herself banned Monopoly after noticing that it was causing too many arguments and getting too competitive. We can relate to this rule because things really heat up during games like this, more than we’d like to admit.
6. Kids eat at a separate table during Christmas lunch.
For most of us, holiday gatherings are a chance to bring the family together around one table, but rituals seem to be a bit different when it comes to the royal family. Not only do they eat their food at a separate table, but children are also gathered in a different room during lunch, according to the Queen’s grandson-in-law.
7. Girls can’t wear tiaras.

When we think of princesses, one of the first things that come to mind is a sparkly tiara that shines from a mile away. Surprisingly, this reality is far from what we see in movies and fairy-tale stories. In fact, according to the rules, this headpiece cannot be worn by royal girls until they are married, and usually, princesses get to wear it for the first time on their wedding day.
8. Children must also curtsy to the Queen.

It’s obligatory to bend the knee and show respect to the Queen, and her grandchildren are no exception to this rule. This historian revealed that royal offspring are expected to bow to their great-grandma by the age of 5. The curtsy must be done twice, first when they see the sovereign and also before leaving.
9. They must accept all gifts but cannot keep them.

One might expect that royal children are regularly showered with presents, and the 774 gifts that Prince George received in 2014 prove this to be very accurate. However, accepting a gift and keeping it are 2 different things. In fact, little royals must accept presents on behalf of the Queen, which means that they generally cannot use them. We can imagine baby George’s frustration when he was told that he would have to part with his cute blue teddy bear.
10. They need to mostly play outside regardless of the weather.

The royals seem to be fervent believers in the benefits of playing outside. The little ones are already introduced to the importance of staying active and connecting with nature. So whether it is raining or the sun is shining, a good portion of the day must be spent outside and no excuses are allowed.
Bonus: The royal family loves to match outfits, which is a smart move that makes total sense.
You might have noticed that in official outings, Kate, William, and the 3 kids color coordinate their outfits by mostly wearing matching color palettes. Other than being visually pleasing, opting for the same color themes gives off a sense of unity within the family. We can certainly find it in ourselves to cheer for this decision.

Do you think these kids break the rules every once in a while? Would you have been able to follow them all as a kid?
Please note: This article was updated in April 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.