10Illustrations That Show Just How Much the Internet Has Changed Our Lives

None ofus should ever succumb topanic real life isdefinitely still out there despite the huge role that the Internet plays inmodern life. Gadgets and technology play apart inour lives, but itreally isjust apart. Nevertheless, its funny tothink about the hundreds oflittle ways these things have changed our behavior.

None of us should ever succumb to panic — real life is definitely still out there despite the huge role that the Internet plays in modern life. Gadgets and technology play a part in our lives, but it really is just a part. Nevertheless, it’s funny to think about the hundreds of little ways these things have changed our behavior.

Illustrator: Astkhik Rakimova exclusively for Bright Side

Please note: This article was updated in November 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.

